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Prof. Itay Mayrose Lab - Plant Evolution, bioinformatics, & comparative genomics

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CCDBAngiospermsCompositaeAgeratumAgeratum conyzoides Hieron.

11 chromosome counts in Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.:

Name Accepted Name Gametophytic(n) Sporophytic(2n) Data Source reference
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. 10   IPCN65 Mehra et al. 1965
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   30 IPCN online Morton, J. K. 1993. Chromosome numbers and polyploidy in the flora of Cameroon Mountain. Opera Bot. 121: 159–172.
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   20 IPCN67-71 HSU, C.-c. 1967. Preliminary chromosome studies on the vascular plants of Taiwan (I). Taiwania No. 13: 117-130.
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. 10, 20   IPCN67-71 GUPTA, P.K. 1969. Cytological investigations in some Indian Composi Cytologia 34: 429-438.
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. 20   IPCN67-71 POWELL, A.M., & R.M. KING. 1969. Chromosome numbers in the Compositae: West Indian species. Sida 3: 319-320.
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   40 IPCN67-71 MIYAGI, C. 1971. Chromosome numbers in sperrnatophytes from Okinawa Islands (1). Biol. Mag. Okinawa 8: 14-23.
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   20 Kumar, 1987 Ishikawa, M. 1916; Mehra, P.N. & Sidhu, S.S. 1960 ; Koul, M.L. H. 1964a ; Mehra, P.N. et al. 1965 ; Hsu, C.-C. 1967, 1970 ; Gupta; P.K. et al. 1972 ; Singh, N.K. 1972 ; Sarkar, A.K. et al. 1974 ; Bir, S.S. & Sidhu, M. 1980 ; Gill, B.S., Gupta, R.C. & Kaur, S.1980; Olsen, J. 1980
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   20, 40 Kumar, 1987 Dey, D. & Sharma, A.K. 1968 ; Gupta, P.K. 1969b ; Kaul, M.L.H. 1971 ; Mehra, P.N. & Remanandan, P. 1975
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   20+0-3B Kumar, 1987 Gill, B.S. & Gupta, T. 1971
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   38 Kumar, 1987 Sharma, A.K. & Varma, B. 1960
!   Ageratum conyzoides Hieron. Ageratum conyzoides Hieron.   40 Kumar, 1987 Mitra, J. Love, A. & Love, D. 1961b); Turner, B.L. & King, R.M. 1964 ; Turner: B.L. & Lewis, W.H. 1965 ; Harvey 1966 ; Grant, W.F. 1967; Coleman, R. 1968b; Powell, A.M. & King, R.M. 1969b ; Miyagi, C. 1971; Subramanyam, K. & Kamble, N.P. 1971 ; Gadella, T.W.J. 1972; Oloroqe, O. 1974a; Gill, L.S. & Abubakar, A.M. 1975 ; Jansen, R.K. & Stuessy, T.F. 1980